Swift UI How to Display a Local Image in SwiftUI

How to Display a Local Image in SwiftUI

Greetings to all iOS enthusiasts and budding developers out there! Today, we’re going to unpack a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of SwiftUI: displaying local images. Through my years of experience in iOS development, I’ve seen that understanding the intricacies of images in SwiftUI can indeed change the game. So, let’s dive right in!

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of SwiftUI and Xcode.

1. Setting the Stage:

Before you can display an image, ensure it’s added to your project’s asset catalog. This allows Xcode to manage and optimize the image resources for different devices and resolutions.


  1. Open your Assets.xcassets.
  2. Drag and drop your image (in our example, named “bg”).

2. Crafting the SwiftUI View:

In SwiftUI, the Image view is your trusty companion for rendering both local and remote images.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

Note: Ensure that the string you pass to the Image initializer matches the name of the image in your asset catalog.

3. Beautifying Your Image:

SwiftUI provides a suite of modifiers to adjust your image presentation. Let’s break down some essential ones:

  1. resizable(): This modifier allows the image to resize to fit its frame. Without it, the image retains its original size, which may not be suitable for various devices.
  1. scaledToFill(): Ensures the image covers its entire frame, potentially cropping some parts of the image. A counterpart, scaledToFit(), ensures the entire image is visible, potentially leaving some parts of the frame empty.
  1. edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all): This extends the image beyond the safe area, ensuring it occupies the full screen, including under the notch on devices that have one.

4. Other Image Modifiers:

SwiftUI doesn’t stop there. Here are some other handy modifiers:

  • clipShape(): Clips the image to a specified shape.
  • shadow(): Adds a shadow around the image.
  • overlay(): Overlays a view on top of the image.
  • rotationEffect(): Rotates the image by a specific angle.
  • brightness(): Adjusts the brightness of the image.


In SwiftUI, displaying an image is just the beginning. With a plethora of modifiers at your disposal, you can adjust, beautify, and animate images to suit your app’s design and functionality. Remember, it’s not just about showing the image; it’s about crafting an experience. Happy coding!

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